Monitoring Centre Hohenems
Partner: Dürr Austria GmbH
Location: Vorarlberg

- Redundant SCADA server
- Redundant database server
- 3 Multi-monitor operating stations with 8 monitors
- 5 further operating stations
- 120.000 external data points
via IEC 60870-5-104 - Video-wall Integration
- XML-Moris
The ASFINAG operating model requires that all tunnels and open-air facilities are monitored from a single location. The site for this overarching monitoring centre is the motorway maintenance headquarters at Hohenems.
The headquarters provides an ordered and professional monitoring of Vorarlberg’s tunnels, where, amongst others, the Pfändertunnel will be integrated.
A total of 7 tunnels and further traffic control systems for the S16 and Arlbergpass have been integrated in to the process control system.
A facility of this complexity places great demands on the performance of a process control system.
Complex in this case means 120,000 data points, approx. 400 process views and operating stations with up to 8 monitors. This facility demonstrates the impressive performance of XAMControl.
The greatest challenge was to integrate the many different tunnel systems that had been installed within the last 10 years into a single system. One one hand, this meant that the central process controller had to work optimally and harmoniously with all versions of interfaces from various manufacturers. On the other hand, the creativity and continuity of each and every employee was required in order to offer the operator a consistent and intuitive visualization of the system.
The complete integration of an approx. 20m² video-wall to display video-feeds and process visualization views of various processes was instrumental in providing the operator with an intuitive and safe way of operating the system.

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