Room automation with evon Smart Office
evon Smart Office is a comprehensive library for evon XAMControl (ACC package). The library fulfils all requirements regarding lighting, heating, ventilation, and aircon in a modern office building, independently of whether it is a new or a refurbished building. In addition, evon Smart Office supports concepts such as shared desks, open space, room tracking and cleaning. As an open system, evon Smart Office controls everything automatically (BACnet, KNX, Dali, etc.) in order to reduce energy consumption when rooms are not occupied or to increase the comfort and productivity of employees when they are present.
Lighting Control with evon Smart Office
Lighting plays an important role in productivity and comfort in an office and can be automatically controlled by evon Smart Office via presence and movement detectors, and daylight sensors. Individual preferences can be adjusted via a Smartphone or web interface. In addition, central functions and time-controlled sequences help to save energy.
Shading in evon Smart Office
Shading in evon Smart Office includes the control of blinds, rolling shutters, and other shading systems. The goal of the controller is to reduce the energy consumption of the heating, cooling, and lighting systems by controlling the amount of sunlight and hence heat loading and glare in the rooms. The use of a range of sensors (brightness, temperature, wind speed, precipitation) enables the position and angle of the blinds to be adjusted in such a way that energy consumption is minimised, and comfort maximized.
evon Smart Office also provides protective functions (frost, wind, and hail protection), locking functions (cleaning and maintenance), and protection against operator error (certain functions are locked when windows are open).
Climate in evon Smart Office
Fan coils, thermostats, radiators, underfloor convectors, valves for heating and cooling ceilings … all components can be quickly and easily connected in evon Smart Office and ensure the best possible room climate with the minimum of energy. Apart from controlling lighting and shading, weather forecasts are also included so that smart offices can be controlled predictively and with the optimum amount of energy. Of course, an individual user can also intervene manually using the room controller or Smartphone, whereby central locking functions prevent events such as running the heating at a maximum if the windows are open.
Open Space in Modern Offices
Open space concepts are the answer to flexible requirements placed on room occupation for modern buildings. One of the greatest challenges is changing the distribution of rooms and areas due to unknown occupancy or a change in renter. evon Smart Office simplifies allocation in room use directly in the visualisation. Completely without programming knowledge and using simple configurations, rooms and
rented areas can be redefined. Adaptations can be done directly by the user. This way, the visualisation always reflects the current use/rental situation of the object.
Shared Desk, Room Occupation and Cleaning
In times of remote working, the use of office space also changes. This is where the shared desk concept in evon Smart Office helps: employees can book workplaces in advance (via Smartphone app or QR code) and upon entry automatically gain access to all relevant control elements for their workplace (lighting, shading, climate) and can directly use their favourites from previous settings.
A dashboard shows an overview of the current office occupancy and also permits a person search. In order to ensure that shared desks and other working areas are kept clean and hygienic, cleaning rotas and protocols are implemented in evon Smart Office.
Simple Programming and Configuration
evon Smart Office minimises the time required for programming and engineering. Thanks to a high degree of flexibility, both integrator and operator have a free choice of components.
The evon Smart Office Library (ACC package) contains:
- ACCs for lighting, shading, and climate for visualisation and operation
- ACCs for shared desk, cleaning functions, and dashboards
- Templates for navigation and utility selection
- Predefined control functions
- Import function for rooms, areas, actuators, and sensors
- Simple parameter setting and configuration of device allocation
- Standardised interfaces for easy extensions of actuators and sensors from different manufacturers
System Topology Overview
Smart Office Solution Possibilities
Success Story
The Icon Vienna
Discover how evon Smart Office is used in the impressive Icon Vienna Tower to combine work flexibility, efficiency and comfort.
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Building automation based on XAMControl
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This document encapsulates all the essential details about the innovative features and functionalities that make evon XAMControl a standout solution in the field of building automation.