Energy Data Management
with evon EDMS

Optimise your use of energy resources and achieve continuous improvement with the evon XAMControl energy data management. Our dashboard provides a clear overview with all relevant data such as emissions factor and tariffs available at a glance and supports you by providing transparency regarding your energy consumption, reduces costs, and makes an active contribution to environmental protection.

More about the benefits of EDMS:

Seamless Energy Monitoring

The foundation of any optimisation strategy is data. evon XAMControl is a distributed energy data management system that provides database-supported recording and evaluation of all data. The system has the highest level of availability making it an indispensable tool for energy management according to ISO 50001 while ensuring long-term energy data management and protecting your investment.

You are notified automatically as soon as the data deviates significantly. Alarm and warning thresholds can be freely defined. You can also compare similar components and thus implement continuous improvements.


Benefits of EDMS

The load profile analysis in evon XAMControl’s energy management displays any opportunity for optimisation and improves the understanding of your plant’s energy flows. The load management allows active intervention into the processes and enables load peaks to be avoided.

evon EDMS Web Access: Anytime and from Anywhere

Thanks to evon EDMS’s web access, you have unlimited access to your data - anytime and from anywhere. This allows you to create individual views and keep any eye on relevant information. This flexibility is revolutionising energy data management by allowing you to use your data efficiently and create tailored dashboards. With a click, you can control energy consumption, optimise costs, and contribute to sustainable environmental protection.

Quickly Scanned thanks to QR-Codes

Much in the same way as for maintenance in evon XAMControl, QR-Codes are also used for monitoring. Simply create a QR-Code and mount it on the desired component. Once the code is scanned, you will immediately receive a status report for the component including energy data management report.

Benefits of Energy Data Management


More about evon EDMS?

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Success Story

Mischfutterwerk (Compound Feed) Gsellmann

Discover how evon EDMS enabled the simple monitoring of all relevant energy consumers for the compound feed provider, Mischfutterwerk Gsellmann.


René Hirschmugl

Head of Customer Solutions

Sebastian Gradauer

Sales Industry Austria

Markus Klein

Sales Industry Germany

Hartmut Henzler

Building Automation Sales

Thomas Molkenthin

Sales Germany